March 5, 2008
March 3, 2008
March 4, 2008 *cropping*

Okay, my settings were: (manual) 1/125, 4, ISO 640. 100mm, 5D. ACR: increased brightness +53 (from +50). Color- defog, slight color pop with channel mixer, screen light layer at low opacity. BnW: ran my recipe, then added duplicate layer with increased contrast and decreased brightness.
I had a lot of fun with this conversion, I have to admit. TFL, and as usual, all comments (most especially HHCC) is wholeheartedly embraced!
~~* Thanks for the kind words about my grnadmother last week. She is happily settled into a beautiful spot, where my dd K. believes she is living in her very own castle that she is kind enough to share with others. Yes, it's that perfect of a fit. We had very few bumps along the way, other than a few odd family dynamics as we should probably expect. Truely, it is all as it should be. Next weekend, we'll clean abd lock up the old place, and then be able to focus on the present fully. Thanks also for the requests of pics of my grandmother; she refuses photos at this point, but I'll look up a few old but goodies. *~~