July 28, 2008

Miss "K"

I was inspired to shoot while up at the lake. Unfortunately, my model was determined to not have fun. I'm generally pleased with these, but am mad I didn't diffuse my flash or shot with it off camera, as I ended up with pinlights from using it for fill. I WILL NOT HAVE FUN.

This one freaked me out a little when I opened it, because she doesn't look 7 to me. She looks much, much older. Please don't rush growing up, my little girl.
Rebel without a cause. I couldn't resist. I told you she didn't want to sit for me!

Thanks for looking. For anyone who is interested, here are my settings:

All were taken with my 100m lens. ISO 250.

  1. 1. 1/200, f/8; TV mode (b/c I was using fill flash and couldn't figure out what I was doing!!!); flash at -1/3 ex.
  2. 1/320, f4.5, manual, no flash. +.25 exposure in ACR.
  3. Also manual, fill flash. 1/200, f 6.3, 250 ISO.
  4. same :)
  5. 1/200, f6.3, manual, fill flash at -1/3.

Thanks for looking, and as always, cc is appreciated!

Free Counter

July 16, 2008

My DH (Dear Husband)

He's so good to me. I was frustrated when I shot a few quick shots with my "go to" 100mm and they were soft. So I asked him to stay still for a few minutes so I could figure out what was happening (backlit, so contrast was a bit dull). I love his expression here- "Really, if you need to... but you know I hate this, right???" mixed with amusement with my persistance in pursuing nailing the image.
Love you, Buddy!
Settings: 100mm, ISO 250, 1/100, f/4, exposure compensation -0.33 (AV mode).

July 15, 2008

Pet of the week, Lil Frog

So here's the Pet of the week. S saw this little frog in the grass at Nonna and Poppy's house this weekend. So, Nonna let her build a habitat in their water table on the deck. The first one is Captain Frog aboard the SS OH.NO.
But she's afraid of flies????

Look at how TINY this little guy is. Nonna picked a leaf from the fig tree to be his float. Lucky froggy!

July 11, 2008

Sisters picking clovers

This one jumped out at me when I was uploading the weekend's pictures. They are spending a few days with Nonna and Poppy- I miss them!!!

July 5, 2008


"I'm tired. I've been sick. I've got my Daddy. Step away from the camera." that's what I'm reading in her eyes...

July 2, 2008

S's Pet of the Day

My crazy S. She loves animals; birds, dogs and cats. And bugs that crawl. She's terrified of flying bugs, and come to think of it, isn't to fond of bugs with feet either. Unless they're long and worm-ish. What can I say, she's odd. When I was gardening, S created a "worm garden"- a whole little habitat in a glass bowl with the things worms need- dirt, leaves, sticks, a pebble or two, and an occasional flooding of water (so they can be happy!). She finds interesting bugs, worms etc. all the time. This particular critter was at Hobie's house. As you can probably tell, after swimming. She lovingly held him, talked to him and had great plans for how he could happily co-exisit with our two cats. That is, until he tradgically fell off the picnic table (he was sharing dinner with us) right between the slats in the deck (lucky guy- the fallt hat probably saved his life). Because he certainly was NOT traveling in our NEW CAR up to our home to live in a jar in S's bedroom as was her plan. Anyway, without further ado, we are pleased to introduce, "Inchy"

Our fig tree

My FIL has a few fig trees,that have matured in the last few years. My DH, along with many others in our family and friends, love the fig trees. After some research, I found that fig trees can be grown in containers, and brought in during our cold winter to be dormant but not freeze. It was a great surprise, and he is now uber excited about his "fig farm"- because he is who he is and of course wants five more : 0
This is a pic of a few of our baby figs. It tickles our Italian American family roots, and those of our neighbors as well. So we're celebrating our heritage, while putting our NY-American, living in a townhouse, spin.
I plan to take a photo every few weeks to document our new venture.