February 23, 2007

2 23 07 2Ps

Sorry if you saw this already, but I'm pretty pleased with myself. I've wanted to take a photo like this for a while, just never really go it together to do. Tonight all the pieces came togehter at once, and I just had to do it! *Specs: RAW, 16-35 mm lens. 1/50, 2.8, 200 ISO. AR: boosted contrast, exposure. PS: sharpened, ran reduce noise, channel mixer, defog and sized for web. Hope you like it! Okay, had to include the funky one, too. Sorry, couldn't resist.


Me said...

COOL! I laughed when I saw this photo. Too cute.
I'm not too fond of the funky one. My son said it looks like a glass of beer.

Jenny said...

I just love your little peas. It's a sickness I tell ya. Love the conversion too. What about doing an Andy Warhol type thing with this pic and do a bunch of different conversions on it. Could be fun. BTW...your DOF is awesome in this shot.

Sara said...

Thanks Jen. Interesting idea...

Sue said...

I love the first one :) Very cute - great idea! Maybe instead of the color effect you might try a grunge effect :)

Amy Covey said...

Love it...and all the different versions you've created! FUN!!

. said...

What a great shot! It really does look like an advertisement for two peas! :)