June 12, 2009

OuR LiL GrAdUaTe

It's funny how these little milestones creep up on us and to remind of, "One day you will look back and realize the Little Things were actually the Big Things". I simply love that quote, and it is so totally appropriate today. Our little Imp did great in the circus as a performer, and was reportedly "scared" as a graduate- though she did great during that piece, too. We're so proud of you, S!
Opening parade.
The grands came to see you, too.
A little scared.
Pomp and Circumstance- yup, I was teary!
Performing her juggling rountine!
Please leave a note for me to read to our little star- you'll make her day! :0)


Reds said...

Too cute! Congrats on her graduation!

pat said...

COngratulations! The first step on the long path into the future. It will be fun to have her HS grad photo, and this one, side by side some year.

shirley said...

Aw! Congrats to her on her graduation! I love the peony in your header picture, too.

janett said...

Awww, congrats to her! What a big day!

Mandy said...

A....what a sweet love! Congrats to her on her very special day. Your header is gorgeous too. WOW.