April 24, 2010

Introducing, Miss K, as PHOTOGRAPHER!!!

Miss K took each of these photos. She asked me for a bit of advice regarding settings, then ran off and posed these, composed them, and shot them. I added a bit of contrast, and tried to help a bit with color as they were backlit, early evening light, through the trees and grass color casting issues... but they on whole hers. Please, if you stop by, leave a little love for the nine year old photographer?
Check out the action shot- and Miss S's shoes-on-the-wrong-foot- jump!
Hobie is a great sport, isn't she??
This one makes me chuckle.
I don't know what they were doing here. It's just funny.


Sara said...

I think these photos are fabulous, and I've told my friends about how great they are. Love you!

Sharon said...

These are great! Wish mine looked this good when I started. Shoot....I wish they looked this good now. GREAT JOB!!

Becca said...

I love your fun poses! Great job!

Amie said...

These are great! Do you know how hard it is to get a "jump" photo? I still can't get it right. I love your "jump" shot. Great Job!

Unknown said...

Love these, they are so much fun! Next I think you should take your mom out for a photoshoot and take turns photographing each other (and of course post the results). Nice work!

PS, this is Lauren (MichyM) on our family google acct :)

Jodie said...

Well done Miss K. I love the poses and they make me smile. It looks like you had lots of fun!

KRISTIE said...

Miss K, you totally rocked it! your momma better watch her camera closely!

Unknown said...

Great shots Miss K. Love the jump ones!

Samantha said...

These are wonderful! I, too, have a 9-year-old DD that loves to take my 20D out for photo shoots sometimes. Miss K. is doing a fantastic job, and should keep up the great work!!!

Team Design-Bytes said...

Fun Fun Fun... keep clickin'!

Nancy said...

Fantastic work Miss K! Lucky is the mom to have you as a future second shooter! YAY YOU!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hobie Said.....
Loved these pictures, K. They will go in my photo book of happy memories! Keep up the great work!