I was inspired to shoot while up at the lake. Unfortunately, my model was determined to not have fun. I'm generally pleased with these, but am mad I didn't diffuse my flash or shot with it off camera, as I ended up with pinlights from using it for fill. I WILL NOT HAVE FUN.
This one freaked me out a little when I opened it, because she doesn't look 7 to me. She looks much, much older. Please don't rush growing up, my little girl. Rebel without a cause. I couldn't resist. I told you she didn't want to sit for me!

Thanks for looking. For anyone who is interested, here are my settings:
All were taken with my 100m lens. ISO 250.
- 1. 1/200, f/8; TV mode (b/c I was using fill flash and couldn't figure out what I was doing!!!); flash at -1/3 ex.
- 1/320, f4.5, manual, no flash. +.25 exposure in ACR.
- Also manual, fill flash. 1/200, f 6.3, 250 ISO.
- same :)
- 1/200, f6.3, manual, fill flash at -1/3.
Thanks for looking, and as always, cc is appreciated!
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