I am Momma. My older dd asked me, "Why can't I call you Sara?"
My answer was, "Because only two people in the whole world are important enough in my life to have the privledge to call me Momma."
I spent my whole life collecting moments, the savory pieces of emotion, memory, experience, heart ache. Tastes and flavors. Smells. Treasuring the lilac that leaves a scent so strong it can hurt- and then in a whisper is gone.
The imprint of a warm sun on my face. The smell of choclate. The power of a wave pulling me to sea. The incredible smallenss of standing under a star filled sky. Or the tears filling my eyes to overflowing seeing the majesty of Leonardo's work in the Vatican.
Spending an afternoon beside a brook, listening to the stories it has to tell.
Watching a small child with an elderly relative. Or stranger.
Hearing another's story.
Sitting in the grass and letting it tickle.
Finding a "good spot" in bed, on the sofa, on the beach.
Seeing an old friend.
Seeing a love lost.
Seeing your lover.
Feeling God's hand in your life, helping you choose right.
Knowing your friend needs you. Missing my grandmother. Missing my friend. Missing.
The spark that comes from creativity. The power of knowing you have made a difference. The buzz after performing an act of kindness. The bigger buzz when it is anonymous.
The struggle of self preservation, and empathy.
The gift of wonder.
All of these I gather in my heart and soul. For I know they will help me be the mother to you I want and dream to be.
This is what I do outside of photograghy.