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4 .29 .07 Da and the Grouchy Ladybug
I couldn't resist snapping this when I stumbled across this scene. Not to say Da is old~ well, maybe... just kidding Dad. All HHCC is welcome. I had played with the exposure and brightness on this in ACR- I'm working on getting the hang of exposure when using my flash! As always, defog and sharpening for web. Gradiant map layers for my conversion. TFL, and hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Dang it Sara I hadn't been here (or any one else's blog for the matter) in such a LOOOOOONG least it seems like so...
So let's begin...I love your Dad's reminds me of mine...I had actually shot a few pics of daddy with my Andy to post but never got around to it...
And I love your little monkey...I used to have a little bear one of my brothers gave me when I was 6 and I don't know where it is now...wish I had it...then when I went to the Army I got a gorilla with a baby gorilla in her DS Chris still has that one...precious...just like yours...
And I almost didn't recognize you in that shot with look pretty different from what I'm used to ... (i.e. avatar...heehee)but you're right, you guys look pretty similar/congruent (j/k)...I too, don't really care what I look like in most shots...or in real life for the matter...I just never get around to getting shots of me...must make a note to self...and I don't mind the chins at all...I think I have a few more...
TFS! :o)
How sweet, can't beat a picture like this. I think it looks great!
I have been looking at thei s shot for about 5 min. now and can't seem to figure out who your dad reminds me of. This pic is soooooo cute. They say a picture is worth a thousnd words. This one is worth more than that.
how precious to have captured this moment! they will both treasure it.
A photo like this makes me really want to get my act together and get photos of my DD with my dad. They are very close and I just never bother to take shots of them together. You've inspired me to do so sara, thanks! This is so precious!
Great shot. I need to remember to bring my camera over to my parents house the next time I'm over there.
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