April 26, 2007

Sisters sharing the path

Yup, I'm cheating- this is from Tuesday. What do you think of this? I find it all sorts of symbolic- two sisters on the same path/road, taking it their own way...yet, together. I hope this is a metaphor for their relationship for the years to come.
Settings: 1/250, 6.3, ISO 800. 50mm. ACR: adjusted color noise reduction, and lum. smoothing.
Thanks for looking, and HHCC is always welcome!


jen said...

So sweet. They'll treasure this one!

Kathy said...

Liking it.
Makes me thing of little sister always running to keep up to big sister while she [big sister] doesn't always give a backward glance [though in actuality, they do look out for little sisters].

Melissa said...

This is really adorable sara! Photos like these make me wish I hadn't decided to only have one child. My DD misses out on the whole sibling relationship.

Michelle said...

oh, i love your thinking on this! what a great metaphor. the conversion looks great on this.

Amy said...

It does look like they are going down the same path but each in their own way. I think you captured it well, great job!

Cindi Koceich said...

I love your thoughts on this! Very sweet!!

Patti said...

I think you have captured that sister realationship so well. I just read your post from yesterday - wow, that really got me thinking about my grandparents, it's amazing how its the little things that really stick in yor mind - they are the things that make a house a home.

Trisha said...

Cute Shot! It could definitely be symbolic...

lcp said...

Great shot! It is so sweet and I love the training wheels on the bike. Quite a moment in time, huh?