...of Daddy's car! I don't know why this was thought to be a good idea, but when I saw the geniune smiles, the beautiful light and Daddy's girls loving the time with him outside, I grabbed my camera and snapped away. So, we'll have to explain why it was okay this ONE time. And understand when it takes a while for them to stop asking to do it again! Out-take. Stinky feet= evidence odf a day hard at play. Could she look prouder of herself??? Just because it makes me laugh! All of these were taken in AV mode, 250 ISO, various ss. I dialed up the EC to +.75 to comepensate for the backlighting. There was no metering, just shooting as best I could. All things considered, I'm pretty pleased. Thanks for looking.
Love that foot shot...My dd's feet always look like that! It drives me CRAZY! Cari
those make great Sister shots. Reminds me of the time I allowed the girls to jump on the couch for some shots. Now they try to understand why it is not ok. lol
I am a school social worker by day, and am building a photography portfolio at present. I love helping people to tell their stories, and photography is a great way to do it!
Love that foot shot...My dd's feet always look like that! It drives me CRAZY!
LOL, love the stinky feet shot!
they definitely look like they enjoyed the break from the normal! love the dirty feet--definitely a sign of summer!
i love that 3rd one. i can definitely relate to dirty socks!
What sweet pics! They look so happy!
those are terrific dirty socks! I love how they are girls, yet not afraid to get a bit dirty. You're right...that golden light is yummy!
I love the shot of the feet. Hahaha. So reminiscent of childhood in every way.
I love the foot shot too! I think they're all great, you really captured their relationship!
Nice series of shots! I have to admit that my socks often look the same way.
Love these - shows the great relationship they have!!
Made me laugh too! Lovely captures!
Oh my son loves to climb on the car too, trying to get him to stop. These are so cute, I love the playful shot of them :)
I love shots of kids just doing those crazy kid things. You have to really wonder sometimes what they are thinking
Isn't it funny what is "ok ONE time" for photography that normally would be a totally off limits? So fun, love the light.
These are PERFECT, I love that sisterly bond! It really shines through in your photos. LOL at the stinky feet! :)
those make great Sister shots. Reminds me of the time I allowed the girls to jump on the couch for some shots. Now they try to understand why it is not ok. lol
these are really sweet! and look at those stinky/dirty feet!
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