April 15, 2007

*smirk*...and there's nothing you can do about it!

This photo screams- HA! It's Easter, I'm at Great Grandma's, and I can eat all the chocolate she gives me, and there's nothing you can do about it!

-I swear, if you knew her, you'd believe me. Or, just look really closely. It's all there.
Settings: 1/160, 3.2, 800 ISO. 16-35 mm lens. PS- crop, defog, sharpened and sized for web, as well as a color boost with channel mixer.


cristina said...

you forgot the part where she says..see i told ya!

she looks very happy, patiently trying to unwrap those pesky little things...

how do you do a channel mixer? better yet...what does it do?

Trisha said...

LoL isn't that what going to grandma's is for? When my nieces/nephews visit my mom and dad, they fly through the house like a whirlwind in search of treats! Candy,cookies, cake...whatever they can find! Fun!

Sara said...

Oh, Cristina. I'm going to have to bump an old thread for you. Channel mixer is how you boost color- either a pinch, or go electric- based on how you play. I'm off to find the thread!

AmyC said...

I TOTALLY believe you! I'm all too familiar with that face! LOL! My girls are the same way! :)

Cute shot! AWESOME capture of that smirk! LOL!

~*Steffie*~ said...

Adorable. I am lol at your post. Grandmas :)

Michelle said...

oh i can definitely see what you are saying! they get that "look" and we all know what they are thinking! great capture!

Mom2Drew said...

Tee-hee-hee...I can hear/see it!!

I'm sorta the same way and I'm 30! Lovely light and color on this one, seems like a perfect shot for her.

Lindsey said...

LOL SOOO fun! We called my Great grandmother a candy for this very specific reason - "Candy Corn MaMaw". This brought back emotions & memories for me!! Thanks so much for sharing this emotion!

Dorothy said...

As the mom of 4 boys that are SO spoiled by their Grammy... oh yeah! I can totally see it!!!

What a cute capture!!

Dar Kaso said...

LOL at your journaling, that's what grammas are for and she knows it. Great shot.

jen said...

Tooooo funny! perfect for the emotions theme!

Anonymous said...

Cute little smirk and great capture! My dd does the same thing at my parents house. lol TFS

Lorrie said...

that's why we have grandparents -- so our kids can do everything we COULDN'T do as kids! Sweet little Easter shot.