June 4, 2007

6 5 07 Dragging the Shutter- AhA!

Okay, so I experimented some more. I went back and read the thread again. I read the Planet Neil tutorial, again. What I was doing wrong (aside from trying to learn this and master my new lens at the same time- Doh!) was trying to meter. Nope, that's not what you do.
What you have to do is make sure you have just enough light to register on your meter, and then go.
These were taken in a room where the only light source was another room adjacent to it- with a few obstacles in the way. It was fairly dark.
My settings were: 1: 1/30, 1.8, 800 ISO; 2&3: 1/25, 2.0, 800 ISO. These were all taken with my 50 mm. The only photo editting was the following:
ACR: adjusted white balance
increased Luminance Smoothing to 30, color noise reduction, 30.
PS: defog and sharpened for web (also, framing and logo).
That's it. Nothing else.
This technique absoluelty rocks out loud. This is a fabulous AHA! moment. Wish I had someone to photograph other than toy horses.
Oh yeah- the first one was to see what I could get. The second was to see if there was a big difference in changing the shutter and apperture a hair.
The third was to try to create "catchlights". All the way around, I'm feeling kinda good. Tell me what you think. If you've experimented too, include the link in your comments. TFL!


Michelle said...

wow! i'd say you got the lesson! A+! i've been playing with this for a few days too...one of my posts last week was about this. still playing though.

Heather said...

After reading your blog last night I had to track down the thread and play. I was so impressed! I bought an SB600 a few months ago and have never even used it. I snapped like 2 shot, learned manual and it's been in my nag ever since. I pulled it out last night and WOW! How great is this. I love when you learn new things and I can't wait to try it out some more. My post today has my "test" shots. I love that you were trying to get catchlights on the horse:) LOL you do what ya gotta do right:)

Me said...

Great job!!! I posted my tries today on my blog. Come visit and tell me what you think. I have to ask you...Do you really get it, or is it a hit and miss like it is with me? If you really get the numbers, enlighten me. :) I understand that the flash freezes the subject, so you can go low with the shutter speed. The slow shutter captures the ambient light...right? I'm stumped on ISO speed. I went with 200 and you went with 800. I think one of those articles said go with 400? HELP!!! I literally just plugged in some numbers and fired. LOL I was thrilled with what I got. Even though it is probably not that great, it is the best I've ever done with my flash. :)
Sorry this is so long. I'm fired up over this new trick.

Jen said...

I really need to try this! I can't believe the only light was from another room! Those look great!

Sara said...

I think I do get it.
The numbers your use aren't an automatic...just like when you shoot manually. Start with a lower ISO, and shutter speed around 1/40ish- without the flash. Check your in camera meter. You want to be able to register a reading on your camera meter.

YOu don't need to be exposing it fully. YOu want it at least a stop underexposed.

So, you have to increase your apperture, and increase your ISO until you can pick up some of the ambient light.

Does that make sense? PLease post back, I'll try to help more as much as I can.

Mom2Drew said...

I'm going to be playing with this soon for you guys are getting some great results. Even the colors look right. Thanks for sharing.

jordan.krogman said...

Great job, Sara! I haven't tried playing very much . . . just been reading and reading and trying to really get it all to make sense. I think I'm going to have to try some more tonight! :) Your examples are great! And I totally get what you're saying about aiming the flash right up at the ceiling; I get the pin-sized dots every time, too.

Trisha said...

I really need to try this technique!

Melissa said...

These examples are awesome. I need to get me a speedlite so i can practice too! I also need to find that thread.

Tori said...

Looks like you've got it! I need to work on mine some more still....

Debra said...

ok, where is this thread at.. i want to try this... it's always dark in my house right when i want to take photos and this might help me.... you did an awesome job on these...

Sara said...

It's called something like, "I'm jumping on the falsh bandwagon/frenzy/ ?" something like that. And Jordan posted it. It's still up on the first page. It's linked to ILP, which, if you aren't a member, you'll have to join. But you can join for free- this thread is on the free side.

jen said...

I amy have to try this... just to understand what you're all doing? See - that's what happens when I've been so out of the loop! Good job!

Joanne Fowler said...

Great job! You've got it! I'm loving this technique! Still working on improving but I can tell a big difference already. You did fab!