August 23, 2007

At the park

In keeping with the theme of faith...
It's K, my oldest dd. She's my dreamer, my girl of faith in all that is magical, all that is beautiful, all that is special about this world. She is a kid who can charm you within moments of meeting you. She has a few obstacles ahead of her in the world of learning. But I have faith that with all the supports available to her (and there are many), she will achieve great things.
I have faith that the whole world is open to my little girl.
I have faith in my child as a person.
And I have faith that even when she is at her worst and driving me crazy, she and I will grow into wonderful girlfriends as she grows into womanhood.
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cherie said...

perfect photo for the beautiful journaling!love hoew she is looking out at the CC from me!

Me said...

On your last point, you keep telling yourself that. LOL Just kidding. I understand what you are saying completely. My daughter and I are very close. She is 14, and I'm holding out hope that she won't go through that "I hate my mom" phase. So far, so good.
I like your photo. It makes me wonder what she's looking at.

Sue said...

She has some beatuiful hair! I love the looking out - and what beautiful words. Great job :)