May 19, 2007

5 20 07 An interloper

Or, you know, a bug :)

I was trying to practice a bit more with my lens and snapped this rhoddendron in front of our home. I didn't notice the busy bee inside until I was editting later. Too bad I don't have a macro so we could see him even better.

Two of the girsl playing at grandma and grandpa's. They had a pajama party so Momma and daddy could ccelebrate their anniversary- yay! K is playing in the rubble left in the wake of a violent t-storm this week. S is simply making a wish!


cristina said...

Hey girlie!

I'm loving the colors of your shots, do you think it's because of the new lens or have you changed your parameters?
My favorite of these is #2. The other two shots are ok though they seem soft...

And Happy belated Anniversary to you! How many years? Well, it doesn't matter, what matters is that you guys are still enjoying life together...may you have many, many more...

5.19.07-I prefer the first crop better. I guess because you can see the back of the girls whereas the vertical crop chops quite a bit kwim? And I really wish I could also take my girls back to our childhood home so that they could 'see' what I saw then...I'm glad you childhood home is in Mexico and we sold it when we came over to the US...oh well..

5.18.07-I don't like the 'texture' play (just me though)...but I think you scored a big 10 on those white lillies! They look awesome! Especially being able to keep the white on top of the white! Great job there!
5.15.07-I like her skin. I think it looks great. Not plasticky at all...I downloaded noiseware but don't even know how to use it...give me some pointers (i.e. instructions) please!!!

And this is totally OT - I've been meaning to ask you why does your watermark say 'photograghy' instead of 'photography'? Is it on purpose, or does it have a 'hidden' meaning?...Hmmm, or maybe you're just trying to be different huh!

Heather said...

I LOVE that second shot... so special! and I wish you'd had your macro too, although I don't know if I'd have wanted to be too close to a bee..........:)Great shots!

Trisha said...

Sweet shots! I really like the 2nd!

Sue said...

That second one is simply beautiful. Really great color on all of these :)

Michelle said...

have to agree about the is stunning! happy anniversary-hope you had a great time!

Sara said...

Thanks- we had a great time ;)
I think the color is both the changed parameter and the lens. DH is off at a party with my camera (gasp- yes, I really do love him) and a few lenses. So we'll see...

Mom2Drew said...

Oh, the colors are lovely! So rich, yet not overdone in my opinion. Out of this set, #2 defintiely does it for me, something so whismical about it, down to that glow behind her hair. AH, to be youthful again!! This reminds me I've GOT to get out there and get some dandilion shots before they are all mowed away.

Jan said...

First, Happy Anniversary! Glad you got to get a little time away to celebrate. And, I love the second shot--blowing those dandelion seeds is a perfect shot of childhood. Wonderful!