I've been struggling with sharp photos out of my 70-200 lens. This is the first time I got a sharply focused shot at 2.8! HURRAY!!!
I maybe should mention I went for a walk at the golden hour before sunset with my little S. Out of the 111 shots, this is the only one I got that is tack sharp at 2.8- although, not all the shots were that wide; the shots between 3.5-5.6 were nicely in focus too. I was a good distance from her at the time of this shot, and she was standing still. Too bad it isn't a more interesting shot, but hey at this point I'm so excited I don't care!
My settings were 1/400 (watching my shutter speed); 2.8 (yes!), and an ISO of 400. Now, because the sun was fairly low, there was a lot of noise so I ran it through noise reduction in PS. The first one is SOOC, the second is with N.R., defog, and sharpened for web. Both were resized.
TFL, and for all the support over the last few days. It really helped. I won't say I've mastered it at all, but now at least I have hope!
Atta girl!
It's only a matter of practice huh? I knew you'd get it!
I can see the noise in the 1st one and can see the improvement using NR in the 2nd one. It doesn't matter what the subject is as long as you're getting it (at least I think so). I'm sooo happy for ya!
Now, get cranking on shooting a few more...and remember to watch your distance...Like you told me once, before you know it, it'll become second-nature ;)
Keep it up!
Thank, Christina! You made me smile.
Cute picture!!!! That hydrant looks so big!
WHOOOOO-HOOOOOO! It took me forever to get that so I can relate! It's a great lens though and your color here is nice, not too much...just right. Way to go.
I think your doing great with it. Have fun practicing. Great shot
Yay, you got it, I am so happy for you! Just keep working it, and you'll be getting keepers all the time!
I use that "one, two, three, open" trick from time to time, but DS has forbidden me to use it on his friends, he says it makes me sound like I think they are all little kids (eyeroll). The joys of parenting an almost adult.... ;D
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