Today my family begins a chapter in finality. My grandmother, or "GG" moves into a nursing home today. She is 91, and it is time for her to not live independantly anymore. The complex she is moving into is beautiful and she will be perfectly suited for it.
There's something about change that just pulls out all the familiar family dynamics, isn't there?
I'm feeling so sad that my grandmother is leaving her town, her home and her friends. I'm sad she's leaving the town where my in-laws live, five minutes down the road. I'm sad that she is faced with this stage of her life. I'm so sad that the vivaious, full of life woman I cherish and is one of my role models has to finish her life on others' terms. I'm sad that she has lost (hopefully temporarily) her belief in magic and fun.
I want the whole world to know how cool she was, how intensely she loved and lived, how she was the great keeper of secrets. How she created a world of magic for any child lucky enough to know her. And able to maintain that spell for their children, too.
How she created a garden with little rock paths and layers upon layers of flowers. I simply knew fairies muct live in that garden; she insisted they lived in the rock wall. I think we were both right.
I love how she inspires larger than life creativity, and respect and love for others, especially those who were different.
I hate that she refers to herself as "waiting". For the train, that is. To go meet up with my grandfather and her daughter she lost at the age of 18. And I don't blame her a bit, as her body is giving up on her.
I wish it could be different. I wish she was able to be on her game, so that when she grabs the next train out of here, she is dashing after it, hat flying, skirts whipping, and a smile from ear to ear...rips in her shirt cuff, grass stains all over. And Sally, Tom and friends cheering her on. And all of us standing back, smiling through tears and shaking our heads as we watch her go to where we know she will be Ultimately Happy.
Rosemary was never a person to sit around waiting.