February 26, 2008
2. 27. 08. *interactions*
Today my family begins a chapter in finality. My grandmother, or "GG" moves into a nursing home today. She is 91, and it is time for her to not live independantly anymore. The complex she is moving into is beautiful and she will be perfectly suited for it.
There's something about change that just pulls out all the familiar family dynamics, isn't there?
I'm feeling so sad that my grandmother is leaving her town, her home and her friends. I'm sad she's leaving the town where my in-laws live, five minutes down the road. I'm sad that she is faced with this stage of her life. I'm so sad that the vivaious, full of life woman I cherish and is one of my role models has to finish her life on others' terms. I'm sad that she has lost (hopefully temporarily) her belief in magic and fun.
I want the whole world to know how cool she was, how intensely she loved and lived, how she was the great keeper of secrets. How she created a world of magic for any child lucky enough to know her. And able to maintain that spell for their children, too.
How she created a garden with little rock paths and layers upon layers of flowers. I simply knew fairies muct live in that garden; she insisted they lived in the rock wall. I think we were both right.
I love how she inspires larger than life creativity, and respect and love for others, especially those who were different.
I hate that she refers to herself as "waiting". For the train, that is. To go meet up with my grandfather and her daughter she lost at the age of 18. And I don't blame her a bit, as her body is giving up on her.
I wish it could be different. I wish she was able to be on her game, so that when she grabs the next train out of here, she is dashing after it, hat flying, skirts whipping, and a smile from ear to ear...rips in her shirt cuff, grass stains all over. And Sally, Tom and friends cheering her on. And all of us standing back, smiling through tears and shaking our heads as we watch her go to where we know she will be Ultimately Happy.
Rosemary was never a person to sit around waiting.
1/125, 5.6, 125 ISO, manual. Polarizing filter, CWB. 5D, 70-200, @200mm. Cropped in pping. No changes in ACR. Defog. Resized for web. TFL!
February 24, 2008
Day 56 *more from my walk*
I found a PILE of what I later figured out to be porcupine quills, in clumps. I've never seen such a thing. I tried not to imagine WHY there would be clumps of porcupine clumps, poor thing was probably someone's meal. Which is fine so long as I don't have to see it, KWIM?
***and POTDers, I posted a thread on two peas looking for some help testing a few texture files I made. If anyone is interested, email me with your email, and I will send you a link to the album. I haven't heard back if it is working or not...
February 23, 2008
Day 54 *shapes* 2. 23. 08.
This was a HUGE patch of ice, sitting between me and a wall of ice and giant icicles. I figured I spent most of the winters of my childhood skating on ponds and streams~ why not? I made it across without falling.
Isn't this cool? It's a layer of ice that formed over a ditch of sorts, with a layer of leaves underneath. I love how the sun is lighting up the ground under the ice.
This old tree was amazing. It was covered in all sorts of creepygrowing things that I have no clue what they are! Unfortunately, my shots of those didn't come out as well- full sun and errant brances in the way. Anyway, this tree just looked like it has a story to tell, doesn't it?
Thanks for looking! And please- as always, I am grateful for HHCC.Oh- and yesterday's plant was the trunk of a rubber tree plant.
February 22, 2008
Day 53 *shapes* 2. 22. 08.
February 20, 2008
Day 52 *shapes* 2. 20. 08.
This kissable shape makes me smile every time I see it. I've been seeing more and more signs of my "baby" growing into an independant little person. She helps us clean, set the table, cook... you name it, she wants a hand in it. Her conversational skills are blooming, and her face is suddenly losing all signs of baby-hood. *sigh* It went so fast.
Then, I have glimpses into the last vestiges of baby. Her round little tum, her perfect little belly button (she's the first person I know who has an "outie"), allowing me to swaddle her and rock her while I call her my baby and tickle her. She still loves to be rocked (hey, don't we all?) and it pleases her to no end when I stop and snuggle with her (so long as it isn't in a moment when she is choosing to be a mini-adult!).
This week I have off from school. It has been a fabulous respite. K had to return to school, begrudgingly, today. My goal was to spend the day upstairs~ clearing the clutter piled on my desk, finally conquering the laundary demon that took over my room, and maybe even taking on the corner of the girls' closet that is piled high with out-of-season, too small clothes. I got about an hour.
Then, my baby called me. and I decided that if it had waited this long, putting it off until night really wasn't such a big deal. Today, I snuggled my baby, played music, laughed, and chased her with my camera.
A perfect day, one of a few left in this golden age of hints of my baby.
I was trying to shoot manually, but had to give up- the lighting changed depending on which direction she ran in- and she did a lot of running. So here are the particulars for AV mode: 1/100, 4, 500 ISO; 100mm (of course) and my 5D. ACR: custom curves. Defog, screen light layer. I think that's it. As always HHCC is welcome and much sought after. Thanks!
February 19, 2008
Day 51!! February 20, 2008 *shapes*
This is last one of the series of flowers. I had so much fun playing with these~ macros are fun! I am enjoying myself, but would also love some feedback about where/how to improve. HHCC pleaseee.
This is from K's bouquet. They are the richest, deepest purple-red. There is probably a name for the color, but I don't know what it would be.
These flowers are bringing such joy in the midst of a dissmal winter. It's cool, not freezing. It's rainy, not snowing. Even DH remarked this am, "We need a good snowstorm...one that snows us in!" Of course, his reasons for wanting to be snowed in are a bit more... adult. Not that I mind at all.
*ahem* I digress.
Okay, here are the particulars: manual, w/monopod; 1/20, 5.6, 640 ISO. 100mm macro, 5D.
Processing:ACR: exposure +.25, increased contrast from +25 to +35, luminance smoothing :39, Color noise reduction: 65; custom curves. Icropped in a little more in pping, ran a defog and screen light layer at low opacity.
TFL, and thanks for putting up with the early post yesterday. The kids really, really wanted me to watch the movie with them!
February 18, 2008
February 19, 2008 *shapes*
Settings: (manual) 1/125, 5, 800 ISO, adjusted curve in ACR. 100mm macro, 5D. I'm not too sure on my PPing, but think I ran defog on this one. Cropped in pping. Used my monopod for stabilization.
Same as above, different crop.
1/40, 5, 500 ISO. In ACR, increased contrast, decreased brightness and tweaked the curve.
1/125, 5.6, 500 ISO. IN ACR: increased brightness, custom curves. I ran a screen light layer on this one, for sure. It's a little too light, but I loved the shape of the petals here. 1/50, 6.3, 500 ISO. Custom curve. Iwas going for moodier, more detail in the petal veins.
All input is greatly appreciated. I know I ran the noise reduction filter in PS on some of my rose pictures, but don't now recall which ones. I think my age is starting to impact my memory... but let's pretend I simply am a busy working mom who can't keep everything together in my mind anymore. But that's a post for another day. : )
Thanks for looking, and for all the feedback yesterday. It was fun to read other people think my kids are cute too!
February 17, 2008
The girls
Here's K: 1/125, 3.2, 800 ISO (manual)
Flash fired, bounced off the mirror behind me. 5D, 100mm lens. CWB on all pics, as well as custom curves in ACR. On both K. pictures. Light screen layer, in addition to defog and conversion. Oh yeah, ran a light dodge on the eyes in all of these.
Here's S: 1/100, 3.2, 800 ISO (manual, I think- might be AV). Bounced flash off ceiling (you can see it in her eye!). PLayed with this in ACR and had to run light screen layer in this one as well. Not sure what I did, can't seem to get my Browser to cooperate with me at the moment.
I couldn't resist making this one black and white. Seriously, my kids are beautiful! Feel free to disagree, just not on my blog ;)
TFL. I shoot for being on theme tomorrow!
February 16, 2008
1/20, 5.6, ISO 640.
1/25, 5.6, ISO 640, increased contrast in Adobe RAW
1/25, 5.6, ISO 640, increased contrast in A.RAW
Thanks for looking. I am glad to finally be back up and running!
February 5, 2008
Day 35 apperture (not on theme)
I bounced the flash off my bookcase and the ceiling behind me. I just super-zoomed into his eye to check- that was kinda cool. Anyway, same settings as yesterday, although I believe I cranked the FEC to +1/3.
February 4, 2008
Day 34~ 2. 5. 08. ~ BFF
S. decided Santa would of course bring her BFF home to her.
Dora is a little bit scary. She is the same size as S., and she has a GIANT head. S. has largely ignored her.
But within the last few days, we've braided her hair, talked and sang with her, and today S. climbed on her lap to whisper and laugh with her. She even posed for this picture!! I think the difference has been the Dora now sits on the floor. She is much less intimidating that way.
So, I was playing with my flash today. I shot this (manually) at 1/160, 5.6, 1000 ISO. The flash was bounced to the right of me, off blinds and the ceiling. 100mm lens (no, it hasn't come off my camera in a few weeks!).
TFL, and yes, I blew her cheek a little. I had a hard time without metering with the very darks, vrey lights and everything in between. Any advice?