May 19, 2007

5 19 07. Anniversary Bouquet

My Dh is terrific. He is my buddy, my lover, my friend. We laugh together and love our daughters together. we get annoyed with each other and tease each other. We don't always get it right. But undeniably, we love each other and trust each other and will spend the rest of our days holding hands and laughing.
Happy anniversary, my love!
*Well, except our anniversary was yesterday. I couldn't really be present with posting on our day, now could I? ;)
These pictures don't do justice the magnificence of the bouquet my love gave me yesterday. But they are the few that I like the most. Oh and the third flower is what my "crown" was made of for the reception. I wore my Great Grandmother's chapel length veil for the ceremony- that needed to come off for the outdoor, very muddy, exceptionally fun wedding recpetion afterward.
Cheers to all! TFL!

1 comment:

Sue said...

Happy Anniversary! Awesome bokeh in those, especially the third one. I love the first one too - beautiful flowers :)