May 7, 2008

Ladies in my life...

It's "GG"!

This picture was taken at my cousin's wedding in August '05. I cannot express what this woman is to me, to her family, to her world.
She is a force. She is powerful. She is propriety. She is about changing the rules. She is about creativity. She is about helping others. She is about children. She is about laughing until tears roll down your cheeks. She is about compassion.
She is the one who brought a young man into her home who didn't have anyone else to care. He is, her other son.
She is the one who became a shelter when a nearby town flooded- opening her home to strangers and friends alike. For a LONG time.
She is the one who drove her son to a far from home each day to attend a tutor who was able to "teach him in a way I felt he needed" until she felt he was ready for school.
She is the one who found other children my age, so that when I came to visit I could have buddies to hang with when I went for sleep overs.
She was the one who made up errands for us to run that she "needed (my) help with" so she could drive me all over the state of CT, telling me stories about my Dad, her childhood, and find out all about me. Of course, we always ended up at an ice cream stand, "just between us".
She was the one who I turned to when I needed to have a home away from home.
She is the one who has taken care of each of us in my family, at some time or another.
She is the one who has wacky ideas that just somehow fix the problem (somehow at the same time creating other, sometimes larger problems, but that's okay!).
She is the one who could make you feel like you are the most important person in the world.
She is also the one I want to know that her creativity, humor and sense of making the world a better place have impressed upon me to be
a better daughter
a better mother

a social worker
a spiritual person

a party goer
a party thrower

a scrapbooker
a saver of any little thing;
both for its potential future use
its significance as a momento to remember a moment

a person who savors a beautiful piece of jewelry
a person who savors a scenic car ride

a person who thinks outside the box
a person who tries many possibilities

a person who cares about and nurtures others
a person who wants to leave something for
future generations to be proud of.

My grandmother: one of my role models.


Chell said...

Aww what a sweet picture and great journaling.

Becky said...

Great post and great photo of what sounds like an amazing lady!

For Over 29 Years... said...

what an amazing lady. Cute little photo of her also. Love the hat! TFS

Michelle said...

the photo is lovely. and your tribute is heartwarming. wish i lived nearer so i could meet her. she sounds really amazing. glad you treasure her so.

Jeanette said...

What an amazing woman.

Mom2Drew said...

You could write a book with your words. Wow, such wonderful journaling and I read every last word of it too:)

pakosta said...

you are so so blessed to have her, to have this relationship that everyone dreams of. wow, she sounds amazing, can she be my grandma too?

Jess said...

She sounds like an amazing woman! What a beautiful tribute to her, I hope she gets to read this!

Shawna said...

Wow she sounds like an incredible woman and you sound like an extremely blessed granddaughter! What a wonderful tribute to her!

Margaret said...

She sounds like such an amazing woman. I can tell how much you love her and how much she means to you. Your journaling is just perfect. Wonderful words and wonderful picture.

Debbi said...

Beautiful - and what touching journaling!

Tori said...

she sounds like a wonderful woman. what a touching entry and a beautiful image!

Gypsy Girl(Brenda) said...

I just love the photo and jounaling so heartwarming.

Angela2932 said...

This is absolutely beautiful and inspirational! What a wonderful woman, and this says a lot about you as well and your ability to appreciate her. TFS!

Bobbi said...

I love all these posts and pictures of these stron powerful women. Especially the grandmothers. I never met mine but Iimagine sh e would be much like all these women I see. TFS

bcgal00 Rae said...

Wow...what a wonderful tribute to her...she sounds very special!