May 15, 2008



It's been a while since I've posted about my mom.

She lives by and practices the Serenity prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

I have the unique privledge of having worked with my mother for a year. So I had the pleasure of seeing how much respect and appreciation others have for her too.

I mena, she's my mom. I think she's amazing. No, I know she is amazing.

She has this amazing ability to remain centered and calm in the midst of chaos, to see the "big picture" and to summarize it back succinctly, as well as diplomatically. Her counsel is sought out by many friends, as well as family. And all the while, she listens with respect, letting you know that you matter.

This is an amazing gift to the listener. And it is a great talent of my Mom's.

Mom has taught me so many great life lessons. Like to have the courage to be true to myself, even when it means standing alone.

Question what you are told, sift through with what you know, and take from it what is useful, helpful and meaningful. Leave the rest.

Others' feelings don't have to be yours to take as your own. Everyone can be mad, hurt, sad, etc. You can hear them without taking it as your responsibility, or your fault. Just be. Often anger just needs to be released. The solution is sometimes just giving opportunity for voice. Listening without engaging doesn't make me weak; it makes me reasonable.

Listen to your heart.

I was brought up to think through the whys of my values. To listen to what my religion taught me, then to ask why and how. Those are not traits frequently found in a Catholic girl. It helped me develop a very strong sense of faith, as well as spirituality. When I am overwhelmed, I need quiet to refind my center, to allow what I know to be true to come back to me.

My mom also taught me how to be bored. We spent long summer afternoons ding N O T H I N G. Not camp, sport or other organized activity. Not all summer, but for periods. I learned to take a walk, let my mind wander, to create things to do, to let my imagination soar. I learned to be okay with being by myself, and to be okay with down time. I don't need much to keep me happy.

My mom taught me to treasure the heart treasures. A good friend, making the world a better place one small thing at a time, leaving a person something positive after being with them, finding the good in each person, finding the good in every interaction (well, almost every one), realizing that all of us are just doing the best we can at the time with what we have- so be careful with judging others. Mom taught me the heart treasures, helping others, making someone's time a little better, a little easier, a little more fun is why we're here.

My mom is the definition of a good friend. A good wife and mom. A good Christian. And an amazing woman.

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Jess said...

Your mom sounds AMAZING! What an awesome person to have in your life. :)

Debbi said...

This is wonderful journaling and a beautiful picture of your mom. She sounds like a wonderful woman!

--sme said...

She sounds like a great lady! The picture strikes me as warm and friendly.

pat said...

WOW! What a foundation she has given you for your life. What a wonderful woman. Lucky you!

Amy said...

I love what you wrote about your mom, she sounds amazing!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet sweet tribute to your mom.

Bobbi said...

Your mom looks and sounds awesome!

Gypsy Girl(Brenda) said...

Such pretty shot of your mom. Very seet journaling and she sounds like a mother everyone would love to have.

Tori said...

what a fantastic tribute to your mom! she looks and sounds like an amazing woman.