May 9, 2008

Poor Kid!

Yesterday my childhood neighbor, now an oral surgeon, pulled FIVE of K's teeth! My poor kid!!!

The teeth

The well medicated kid

She was such a trooper. She was thrilled that her Dad and I got her a Nintendo DS; she spent all day yesterday playing an "Little Mermaid" game.

My heart! Poor kid!!!

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Tricia said...

Wow what a trooper. My olderest dd had to have 8 of her adult back teeth pulled. Her mouth is just way to tiny for her teeth.

Diana said...

Oh my poor baby, can i ask why they were pulled? they look very neat it that little pink dish. at least your dd had a fun rest of the day.

pakosta said...

those are some HUGE teeth! my goodness i have never seen teeth that big, were they baby teeth or adult teeth that needed to come out to make more room in her mouth?! maybe they just look big on here!!that poor poor girlie!!!!!!

Becky said...

Look at the roots on those puppies! Poor kiddo! Hope she's feeling okay today.

Tori said...

bless her heart! hope she's feeling better!

lcp said...

Awww, poor thing! I had 11 teeth pulled when I was a child - 6 permanent and 5 baby. Then I got to wear braces for 5 years! It wasn't fun but I remember I had a nice relationship with the tooth fairy! :-) Hope she is on the mend soon.

Amy said...

Ah, poor little kid. You took some great pictures to document this time in her life.
Just wanted to say thanks for all the encouragement you leave me all over. You're a special lady! :)

Gypsy Girl(Brenda) said...

OMG. Poor little thing. I hope she isn't in to much pain today.

Angela2932 said...

Poor little sweetie! I hope today is a much better day!