January 10, 2008

Day 11

Focus on 2008: South Beach

3. I choose to focus on why I went on the diet to begin with. I began my weight loss when I realized my family history and my age were risk factors enough in heart disease. I choose to not contribute to the risk by making poor choices for my health.

I got tired of dieting last spring, after nine months. I decided to go into "maintenance" mode, where I would simply maintain the loss I had achieved.
I found it very difficult to do through the summer, wedding, and birthdays. I have regained ten pounds that I worked hard to get off in the first place.

I lost thirty, and was half way done. Now, I have to lose 40 pounds. But, it is time. I want to be healthy, I wan to respect my health and my body, and I want to be an appropriate role model for my daughters.

Most of all, I choose not to contribute to heart disease!
1/125, 2.8, 500. FEC, +2/3 (main light source). I should have pumped it to +1, it was a bit underexposed and needed tweakin gin Picasa.


Angela2932 said...

Good luck with your goal, and nice job being on theme!

bcgal00 Rae said...

I'm right there with ya. I lost 30 and then gained back 35 so I'm starting over again. Its never too late!

Tomboymama said...

Good luck. It is so hard. Glad you aren't giving up.