January 12, 2008

Day 12

Just for fun... K is floating in air! Or actually, sailing through the air, jumping on the trampoline. I thought this was such a cool capture. I broke out of my box and brought my 70-200 with me to a bday party today. It sure does attract attention. But I'm glad I did, because it made me acknowledge that I take my hobby seriously. And, it was good practice in lousy conditions- low light, fast action.


1/80, 2.8, 1600 ISO, no flash. 5D, 70-200 lens.


jordan.krogman said...

Lookin' good!! My dd got to go to a b-day party today, too, and she had a ball. Isn't it great to see the little ones having so much fun together?

Tomboymama said...

That is cool. Fun to capture a jump mid air.

amazing grace said...

this is FUN! i bet your dd loves this shot----she's cute!